can you help me to solve my problem with my huawei modem i had download unlocker & got my unlocker number .imei 860015015048538flash 38855383pls teach me how to unlock the modem ? how to use this number?
Descargar El Software Del Modem Tigo Huawei E173 12
@June, hi, how are you, please i have this two modem huawei e303 and e173u2, it do=es not give any interface for input code, all i keep getting is modem perma=nently lock, please do you have solution for such modem? reply to [email protected]
this is hari i need help for knowing how-to-unlock-huawei-usb-modem , i wold like how people is doing this , bcoz my friend he is comming from west africa he bet me ,i cant able to unlock the usb modem i challenge to him i tried but i cant , please tell any to me how to do it , please send mail to my mail id [email protected] help my friends ,
@Vincent, can u pliz help me with unlocking a zain huawei e220 of IMEI:356635028236241 and pliz sdnd it 2 together with the software coz i failed 2 download it. My email [email protected] pliz help me.
@Ephantus, could you plz help me with those tips and the unlock tool download link so that i can also unlock my huawei modem coz am facing the same problem as well plz plz help me and send it to my email address
brother i had downloaded the unlock softwares and i had my unlock code but my modem is not prompting for unlock code when i had kept airtel sim also modem huawei e1550please help me. thank u. please send me to my mail [email protected]
modem huawei model;E-156G saya kok gak bisa connect padahal sinyal sudah masuk ada tanda connect tapi di network up load dan download seringnya nol atau ada hanya 0,02 atau kisaran itu kemudian bila akan konek ,malah muncul disconnect.
I have huawei (EC1260) broadband device which i cant used because the modem is terminated by the service provider, due to non payment of bill. But i want to unlock the code to take new no in it. Pls help me.
Can u pls help me with unlocking huawei E1550(imei#356052042994260, s/n:B5A4CA1121714302) CODE and pliz sdnd it together with the software coz i failed 2 download it. My email [email protected] pls help me.
@Adaeze Okoyeagu, while not download the software from this website and unlock ur modem your self. downlod hauwai unlocker and enter the IMEI no to unlock. if you hav problem call me david on 08068232149
first of all you need universal master code software for knowing your unlocking keyafter instaling software you have to enter your imei Number in it the software shows unlock key and flash key write it down in a peice of paper then download huawei modem code writer software enter your unlock key in ityour modem will be unlocked automatically
and second if you want to use call facility from your modem download mobile partner software but remember after connecting your modem you close the window which appear by default and open mobile partner software in it you have to make some setting in network that is the setting of your network provider mine is BSNL so i have made setting of BSNL and then you can make or receive call from your modem
after inserting other network sim my modem use to ask me unlock code i had entered wrong unlock code 4 timesthen after surfing net i found the code and the softwares to unlock this modemand you dont beleive that i got a software by which you could make or receive call from pc itself by connecting your headphones and micthis facility was not provided by the default modem softwares.
first of all you have to download unlocking software to know unlock code of your modemi have downloaded universal master code.exe softwareand after downloading this software open it and enter your modem IMEI No which is located on your modem after removing its back get two codes first is unlock code ******** 8 digit and second is flash code ******** 8 digitthen download huawei modem code writer v1.0b from after downloading it open it under com port setup please select com port remember you have to close your modem and insert it again then only it detects your com port select your modem and press unlock modemit ask you to enter your unlock code type the unlock code which was generated by universal master code and press unlock modem your modem is unlocked and can be used on any network provider
secondly you have to download mobile partner softwares to have your modem to receive/make calls install it and remember you have to close your default window that is airtel and insert your network provider network setup manually such asapn,dailing no, user name, password etc and you will wonder that your modem is unlocked and even you can make, receive call directly from your pc.friends kindly forward this message to all the friends who needs to unlock their modem
can you help me the most powerfully software huawei modem unlocker which is new vision not like huawei modem unlocker v.5.7.7 by bojs i need one which i can unlock forever not temporally and another is huawei modem flash help me mr coz i tried ather they me free download mr send to my email [email protected] if i can be thank your assistance.
i wnt unlock my data card huawei eg162g modem .The problem is it dosent ask for any unlock code what i do.I downloaded many code writer but these r all fail.pleasee help meto unlock my huawei modem eg162g
thanks you, for the information you giving for the people free of charge, i have try it and is working. i used the unlock code software to generated the code, it generated it and the code unlock my modem immediately. thanks for your assistance.
hi everyone. i have the MODEM ZTE 3G model: MF112. i am in cameroon and i wanna use this modem with the local network. pls can you give me the name of the software to flash this modem? my email [email protected]
I am having all my unlocking code and everything was going correct but, once i have updated my modem and its dashboard changed. I was using AIRCEL POCKET INTERNET 3G and then it becomes AIRCEL POCKET INTERNET SUPER PRO 3G. now if i use other sim the net donot work. dashboard contains fixed access point. it canot be changed. and everytime i uninstall and again instal the modem its shows the same dashboard software. is the anything possible to change the dashboard to its lower version software.SOFTWARE Ver : Ver : Ver :CD6ATCPU
I already got the unlock code for my huawei modem, however when I inserted the mode with an unauthorized sim card in it, it did not prompt any code to unlock. I tried using the mastercode application but it did not work either. any idea what else I ca do to unlock my modem??
HiI have a Huawei E5573 modem. Is this unlockable?I have tried downloading the unlock code generator but to no avail.The details of the unit are:-Hardware version is CL1E5573SM01 and software is Web UI is someone can help
Soy de Lapaz - Bolivia, Cuando compre mi modem de TIGO Huaweie173, lo liber pero solo reoconocia a Tigo y Viva, pero noreconocia e Entel como deberia ser, Busque la solucion y quierocompartirlo con los que tambien les pasa lo mismo, "OJO" esto solopasa con los modems de tigo como: el e173, e153, e156 y otros detigo ya lo comprobe!, los de viva estan bien, solo es necesariopara algunos de los modems de TIGO "OJO" tampoco todos, si tienesuno y reconoce al chip de ente tranquilamente, no sera necesarioesto del video, por que estas empresas ya son el colmo!, ademas deser tan caro sus productos y servicios, algunos no nos sometemos aeso asi que, no nos podran mentir!, no nos podran prohibir! y nonos podran ganar!.Por cierto ya casi soluciono el famoso problemadel modem zte mf190 de ENTEL y si tiene solucion! pero la mayoriano busca donde no se imagina. Nomas que vuelva a Conseguir esemodem y lo comprobare!. Talves encuentren una pista aqui, talves?Elsoft de tigo lo consegui aqui
RECOMENDACION IMPORTANTE.- Lego de que utilicen el chip de entelcon cualquier modem de tigo (o viva) en Pre pago, al momento decomprar el santo paquete en su sistema mediocre via web, esrecomendable que si sus modem no se desconectan automaticamente,deberan hacerlo ustedes mismo luego de la compra y volver aconectarlo despues de 20 segundos. Se los digo con experiencia,sino les consumira todo el credito y no el del paquete, alprincipio me chorrearon 110 bs, es mejor evitarse estos problemas,es por eso que entel Usa solo ZTE por que se desconectaautoamticamente en el momento de la compra par que despues se lovuelva a conectar manualmente, pero con los HUAWEI no pasa asi,"OJO" es una recomendacion muy seria.pero si eres post pago oprefieres los paquetes por volumen, no importara tantoentonces.Talves te interese estotambien =Vbfl7x...
Gary Alejandro Canedo VargasHola como estan Como libero un ModemHUAWEI E1556 DE TIGO -BOLIVIA porfa muchas graciasPrincipio delformularioMe gusta Seguir esta publicacinDejar de seguir estapublicacin Hace 19 horas cerca de Ciudad Cochabamba, CochabambaBolivar Ag por imei, generando un code por los programas conocidos(v4mpire unlocker, universal master code) =P?Hace 17 horas a travsdel celular Me gusta Gary Alejandro Canedo Vargas cual es elmejorcito?Hace 17 horas Me gusta Bolivar Ag cualqiera es igual,introduce tu imei, y utiliza el codigo unlock e introducelo en elmodem con otro sim puesto y ya =?Hace 16 horas a travs del celularMe gusta Gary Alejandro Canedo Vargas ya esta mi estimado muchasgracias ahora la configuracion por ejemplo para usar con enteltengo q poner el APN de entel cierto y haci con los otros 2 cada qdece usarlo con las otras compaias verdad?Hace 16 horas Me gustaLuis Alejandro Pues si, te diria "para que preguntas si ya sabes"pero tampoco soy tan odioso jejeHace 15 horas a travs del celularMe gusta 1 Gary Alejandro Canedo Vargas hoye tu estimado alejandrosera q me puedes proporcionar los APN de las 3 compaias de boliviaporfa creo q los q tengo estan malHace 15 horas Me gusta Bolivar Agpara tigo ya lo tienes preconfigurado 2ff7e9595c