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Alexander Baburin Winning Pawn Structures: A Modern Guide to Chess Strategy

This modern guide to pawn structures, written by an experienced grandmaster, analyzes a variety of typical formations, and explains the approaches, patterns, and techniques used by professionals in all phases of the game. The know-how gained from the sample matches presented will give any player a practical advantage on the board.

Alexander Baburin Winning Pawn Structures

Thisbrings the title into question, since it implies a broader look atpawn structures of all kinds, and the reader isn't forewarned thatnothing of the sort appears. In my experience, the publisher choosesa title more-or-less independently of the author, so I'll giveSokolov a pass, and the New in Chess crowd a mild (and unproven)reprimand. Alexander Baburin's extremely popular and well-writtenbook WinningPawn Structuresis even guiltier on this account, dealing only with isolated queenpawns and its descendants! 2ff7e9595c

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